Contract Programming Services |
Addisoft offers a wide range of
custom programming services. The developers at Addisoft
have been actively programming for a minimum of 10
years. |

The team at Addisoft Consulting understands the need to deliver results
while keeping costs under control. We have had years of experience
working in companies with cash flow constraints, overdue product releases
and expanding feature lists. Today's economy is more competitive
than ever and the need to deliver quality code in a timely, efficient
manner is more critical than ever before. We offer competitive
solutions without compromising quality.
Whether you have a small project, a legacy product in need of an overhaul, a rewrite or a specialized software application, we have the development
expertise that can make your next project a success.
If you need:
 | Time to focus on delivering results rather than managing contract
developers... |
 | The ability to add or take away expert development talent at a moment's
notice... |
 | Additional resources to increase development productivity.... |
 | To decrease development costs by increasing turn around time... |
 | To access development expertise in specialized areas such as low level
Windows development or avionics protocols... |
Call us. We can help. We offer free consultations while we assess
your current project needs and provide our quotes.
Addisoft Consulting, Inc.
Languages & Toolkits |
Patrick Little |
C, Visual C++ with
MFC, SQL 7.0, Borland
C++, Visual Basic 6.0 and
Microsoft Access. Visual Studio
.NET version 2002, MSDE 2000, Microsoft Database Engine 2000 which is
based on Sequel Server 2000. Windows SDK and DDK.
Michael Majors |
Visual C++, Microsoft Access, Visual
Basic, SQL Server, HTML,
embedded real time software for VxWorks and Nucleus
operating systems, IP networked environments, FDDI
networks, ATM switching technology for mission critical
applications, MIL-STD-1553, and VME for avionics
applications. |